Core Capital Development, LLC

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Resilience Amid Organizational Chaos

3 ways to keep it together during organization chaos.

We have all been in the midst of organizational chaos and while we know we cannot control it, there are things we can control to help us get through. Here are 3 things you can do to keep it together during organizational chaos. If your organization is currently in chaos, try focusing on these areas that you can control, it’s not easy but sometime the best thing you can do is be resilient and get through to the other side.

Keep your big picture in mind.

There was a time when I regularly said, “every day that I come to work brushes up against my values”. I was verbalizing this to others and yet I didn’t see the big picture. Compromising my values was not working and I needed to figure out how to resolve it in a way that would support my long-term plan.

Revisit your values and the things that are most important to you. If you aren’t clear about what those are, take time to write them out, and keep them in a place where you can review them frequently, and evaluate how they show up in what you do (both at work and home).

Find steady anchors.

Know that misery loves company, so be selective about who you spend time with. Negativity can be contagious and being surrounded by it can cloud your judgment and decision-making. Find anchors to attach to that are positive, resilient, and lift you up. Ideally you will be able to find these people within your organization but, it’s okay to look outside as well - at a professional organization or volunteer group.

Take time off and disconnect.

Sometimes it is hard to see the most obvious solutions and when things are in chaos, you might not feel as though taking time off is an option. Taking time off can help de-stress, regain perspective, and come back with new energy and focus. Give yourself permission to prioritize self-care by taking vacation days, a long weekend, or even just not allowing yourself to check in after work hours. Allow yourself to take breaks, exercise, practice mindfulness, or engage in relaxing hobbies. Even short mental breaks will be helpful.

By keeping the big picture in mind, finding steady anchors, and taking time off and disconnection, you will enhance your resilience and provide yourself with a sense of control during times of chaos. Give yourself an opportunity to get through the chaos, not be consumed by it. You can’t control the chaos around you but, you can control yourself.

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